ブレーンのカバーを飾るのは、世界の先端を行くクリエイターたちの作品。「BRAIN’S BRAIN」では「Creative Addicion(クリエイティブに夢中)」をテーマに彼らが制作したビジュアルと、オフィスや仕事を紹介していきます。7月号の表紙を手がけてくれたのは、ポルトガルのデザインチームStudio AH×HAのカロリナ・カンタンテさんとカトリーナ・カレイラスさんです。
Studio AH×HA
Q1. What is the idea for this cover? and how did you make it?
We started drawing, and playing before we knew where we were going to end up. We are not illustrators, but we have been playing more often with illustration, with very simple shapes and textures…
We ended up drawing this jungle of leaves that turn into monstrous obstacles, creating a bizarre world around a piece of wood. And instead of a beautiful oak, this piece of wood is a pencil. An idea. Or the tool to create it. We ended up portraying the feeling of being a creative addict as a chase, a quest for the perfect idea.
Q2. What do you think of Japanese advertisement and design?
We have been in Japan last year and were astonished by all the visual stimulations that Japanese cities enclose. Everything is about the visual message, and even in the most mainstream products or companies you can find examples of very refined and subtle design.
We also love the sense of humour of the Japanese, and the fact that they don’t take themselves too seriously. We were amazed by the visual poetry of ancient Japanese art, and we recognised the influence it has on contemporary communication.