ブレーンのカバーを飾るのは、世界の先端を行くクリエイターたちの作品。「BRAIN'S BRAIN」では、「FUTURE」をテーマに彼らが制作したビジュアルとオフィスや仕事を紹介していきます。今回のカバーを担当してくれたのは、ウクライナのVasya Kolotushaさんです。
Vasya Kolotusha
Q1. What is the idea for this cover?and how did you make it?
I use references in my work, starting with sketch trying to come up with idea where should I use the neon lights and where the background goes.
After that I start picking colors and working on details. And the last part is color correction.
Q2. What made you come up with the idea?
I just tried to make something futuristic and still simple.
I don't know why but I have a thing for helmets and masks so I made this plastic helmet-like headwear, probably we will be wearing those augmented reality helmets in future haha.
It took a few revisions but I'm happy with the result.
Q3. What do you think of Japanese advertisement and design?
It seems for me, that visual imagery was always a big part of Japanese culture, and Japan was always number one in all the types of art and graphic.
I mean, look at the Japanese posters from 80s-90s and airbrush art- the precision, the details and craftsmanship are just insane. Manga and anime made a huge impact on graphic all over the world, it created a whole new way of perceiving and rendering of the image.