ブレーンのカバーを飾るのは、世界の先端を行くクリエイターたちの作品。「BRAIN’S BRAIN」では、「FUTURE」をテーマに彼らが制作したビジュアルとオフィスや仕事を紹介していきます。今月の表紙を飾ってくれたのは、ニューヨーク ブルックリン在住のサントゥ・ムストネンさん。ペインティングの作品です。
Santtu Mustonen
Q1. What is the idea for this cover?
and how did you make it?
My main concept was loosely based on an idea of how our actions are refl ecting into the future.
Q2. What made you come up with the idea?
I like to try to think that if I do something right today I will be thankful tomorrow. It is sort of a way of looking at things. Riding a bike in a rain might feel nasty but later I will think about it laughing. For the cover I wanted to create refl ective surfaces looking like organic spontaneous brushstrokes. They could work as a poetic metaphor for the actions that are shaping our future.
Q3. What do you think of Japanese advertisement and design?
I have to admit that I don’t know that much about Japanese advertisement but I have always admired Japanese design. I am Finnish and people tend to say that the aesthetics and design thinking has a lot similarities. Even though my art might look kind of slick and hectic I am always trying to keep something very natural and unfi nished. I am not sure how my understanding of wabi-sabi is different than the real Japanese view, but it is what I really appreciate. When I visit Japan, I want to learn more about the philosophy. Every time I make art, take care of my bonsai trees, build a bike frame or create ceramics, I want to give space for the beauty of imperfection.

Santtu Mustonen(サントゥ・ムストネン)
フィンランド出身。NYブルックリン在住の作家。彼にとって、最も興味をそそるのは、本来は整然と並べられるべきなのに、ベトベトした手や間違った道具を使って作られたグリッド、タイルや公共の場にある大型のゴミ容器など。Sunset Parkにスタジオを構えながら、泥やペイント、工具、コンピューターなどを使って日々作品をつくっている。