ブレーンのカバーを飾るのは、世界の先端を行くクリエイターたちの作品。「BRAIN’S BRAIN」では、「FUTURE」をテーマに彼らが制作したビジュアルとオフィスや仕事を紹介していきます。今月号の表紙は、シンガポールを拠点とするFableのお二人です。
Eugenia Chin &Jiahui Tan
Q1. What is the idea for thiscover? and how did you make it?
Using tightly-kerned typography of thenames of the seven sins, I invaded the wordsby including the characters '未来' whichmeans "future" in Japanese, to make it looklike a Virus. The asian characters do not looksmooth and natural among the Latin Englishcharacters, showing that the future and thesins do not go well with each other. It is likeshowing these sins are viruses invadingmankind and our human nature andcharacter, causing us to become greedy,proud, lustful, and so on.
Q2. What made you come up with the idea?
The idea of the cover is based on the sevendeadly sins, which I see plaguing humannature increasingly everyday. As we becomemore advanced, our character deteriorates asa species. If we do not take the step to changethings, the future looks bleak.
Q3. What do you think of Japanese advertisement and design?
I have always loved Japanese design andadvertisement. I have been to Japan a fewtimes now, and most recently visited myfriend in Tokyo. Japanese designs are so fullof creativity, craft, and admirable talent. Icannot wait to visit again!

Fable はEugenia Chin と Jiahui Tanによるシンガポールをベースとするクリエイティブ・コンサルタント。観察、調査を経て、コンセプトドリブンのアイデアでさまざまなものに価値を付加するスマートなデザインをつくりあげている。これまでの多様な仕事はシンガポールデザインウィーク、「Singaplural」「It’s Nice That」「For Print Only」「American Institute of GraphicArts」「Mediacorp」「Sandu Publishing,」といったメディアで紹介されている。